
YAY! You just got a new tattoo! Now that you have this beautiful new artwork, it’s essential to ensure it heals properly and continues to look fantastic! Here you’ll discover everything you need to know about caring for your new tattoo. It’s important to remember that while tattoos are permanent, their vibrant appearance over time is greatly influenced by how well you care for them, during the healing phase and throughout your lifetime. Pro Tip #1): Prioritize Cleanliness: ALWAYS wash your hands thoroughly before touching a fresh tattoo! This practice should be maintained throughout the entire healing process, which typically lasts up to a month. Pro Tip #2): Shield Your Artwork: Once your tattoo has fully healed, be mindful of its sworn enemy: THE SUN. That doesn’t mean you should hide away! To combat this foe, I recommend applying sunscreen to any exposed parts of your tattoo when going outside. This is especially the case for color tattoos as sun damage is the leading cause of fading over time. Second Skin: When using second skin, the aftercare process is straightforward. Keep the bandage on for up to 5 days, minimizing physical activity to prevent sweat buildup. When it’s time to remove the bandage, do so in the shower, allowing hot water to run over the outside of the bandage for a couple minutes to loosen its adhesion to your skin, making removal easier and helping to prevent the spread of contaminates. Once the bandage has loosened, gently peel off the second skin by grasping it at the top and pulling up, working your way down as the bandage peels, similar to removing a “3M Command Strip” from a wall. Some mild discomfort is normal during this process and there may still be some fluids still under the bandage, although not always. After removing the bandage, follow the instructions outlined in the Traditional Aftercare section. It’s important to note you’ll only need to clean the tattoo once but you should apply lotion twice a day for up to three weeks, or until the tattoo has fully peeled. DISCLAIMER: If the second skin is leaking profusely, rips, tears, or if the tattoo becomes exposed to the air before the 5 day mark, it is essential to promptly remove the second skin. If this occurs there is no cause for concern; simply proceed with the traditional aftercare procedure outlined below for the remaining duration you initially intended to keep the second skin on. For instance, if the bandage comes off after 2 days, follow the traditional aftercare cleaning procedure for 3 days. Traditional Aftercare: Follow this procedure twice a day for 5 days after your session. Use an anti-bacterial, fragrance-free soap (I recommend Gold Dial Brand) and lather it between your hands to create bubbles. Take the bubbles and gently rub them over your tattoo, ensuring that any remaining residue is removed. DO NOT use a sponge or shower scrub to clean your tattoo, as these will traumatize the skin and cause ink to “fall out”. After thoroughly cleaning the tattoo, rinse it with warm water. After cleaning, allow the tattoo to air dry or use a one-time use paper towel to gently pat it dry. DO NOT use a bath towel or reusable towel as these may harbor bacteria in their fibers. Once the tattoo has completely dried, apply a thin layer of unscented, water-based lotion. Ensure that the tattoo is fully covered but keep it light enough that the lotion absorbs into your skin. Avoid using petroleum-based creams like Aquaphor, as they can create a greasy layer that suffocates the tattoo. After 5 days, there’s no need to continue cleaning your tattoo, but you should apply lotion at least twice a day for about three weeks, or until the tattoo has fully peeled. If you have any further questions about the healing process of your new tattoo feel free to reach out via direct message on Instagram or email. For emergencies, seek advise from a medical professional.